Their sound outsmarts any other artists in the music industry today, everyone who is anyone could listen and enjoy the sweet sweet music whistling through the speakers. For the majority of most musicians this can be something extremely difficult to achieve, yet, Broken Witt Rebels have perfected this technique, perhaps unintentionally and guess what? It works incredibly well.
Catch them live:
22nd April - KASBAH, Coventry
10th May - (supporting The Book Club) THE SUNFLOWER LOUNGE, Birmingham
Their debut single, 'All Worn Out' has this incredible modern, alternative sound which has you holding on tender hooks, wanting to hear more of the infectious guitar rifts and penetrating drum beats. A raw emotion begins to attack the walls of your imagination, lowering you to feel the cutting edge message buried deep within the make up of the track. An introduction of a slow crackling eeriness cowers over a flicking of guitar strings setting a venomous melancholic scene for the remaining music to thrive upon. Progress further only to become hypnotised by the fantastic voice of lead vocalist, Danny Core, over-powering and so captivating. This does not detract glory from the rest of the track oh no, instead, it is enough to settle the deal that 'All Worn Out' is a piece of music genius.
From humble beginnings Broken Witt Rebels have developed into diverse and authoritarian creators, influential in all that they create and touch. The quartet have recently been busy working on their first E.P 'This Town Belongs To Me' and after following their work from the beginning you can clearly experience the full progression and overall determination to create several fantastic instalments. This E.P is going to be full of gratifying music, rich in tone and beat. We can clearly distinguish what the future months will bring for these 4 lads so get listening, I believe we have found a gem.
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