WIRRAL has a habit of turning out little music gem's once in a while whether it be the likes of The Coral, Miles Kane and The Sundowners, now it's time for an alternative-rock quartet, High Violet, Their mellow sounds play on all the broken hearts of this world to the next.
Lullaby-esque in everything they touch, this 4-piece live up to high expectations creating brand new spanking hypnotic craze, something of which they are making available for all to hear reeling it from their music conveyor-belt.
Give a listen to their track 'Wheels' and all that I have explained previous becomes reality. Their sulky teenage sound pushes the alternative genre to a whole new level, bringing a slight post-punk twist upon an already rock-esque style formation. The introduction drifts onto the scene, dusting a melancholy mood upon the music, I haven't felt this way since first listening to Joy Division, their sound had an immediate effect on me, heavy-hearted yet so enjoyable, you just can't achieve this without kick-ass musicians... High Violet in a nutshell. The dreamy voice of lead vocalist Ryan Lee is what ties the whole track together, perfecting each contributing factor to the maximum.
This year will only make High Violet stronger with their show at the Lomax on 2nd May and the promising release of new material they're only going to grow, there's no knowing when they're going stop. And it is with that I must say go and listen to these guys, they may very well be onto something here.

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