Their latest single, 'Aimee's song/Frosty', depicts the whole Jimmy & the Revolvers persona, radiantly shimmering a sure kick-start phenomena which has slowly crept over the city with the growth of this bands potential.
'Aimee's song' has a fast-pace introduction and a ready spark to keep us hanging on to the melodious aura circulating the acoustically based psychedelia-folk prowess. This any-time anthem is a welcomed breath of fresh air, with wondrous melodies, fascinating tones and irresistible vocals all collecting in one place, zoning in and out, wavering in pitch. Possessing an unforgettable being, one you're most certainly going to be singing on your morning walk to work or late-night bus ride home, universally shaping itself around lifestyles and personalities, moulding to each and every one, making the sound remarkably powerful and intellectually superior, not something to turn your nose up at, oh no.
Summoning you from the beginning, 'Frosty' holds a lavish dynamism, shapeshifting through seconds, slow to fast, the pace progresses and digresses, fantastically keeping the listener on a cliff's edge. Fancifully providing us with a charming vocal selection, varying in tone and capability, attracting you via personality. This recherché sound indefinitely resonates from the word go, you can't experience this with anything else, it is found to be incredibly difficult to recreate... However, fantastically, Jimmy & The Revolvers provide us with this basis, 'Frosty' being the prime example.
This single is brimming with excellence, most definitely outweighing a lot of musical artistry out there to date, exceptional wholesomeness through and through. Listen to the profound beings that are Jimmy & The Revolvers and believe me, your view on music shall never be the same again.

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