My personal favourite of theirs has definitely got to be Buzzards. Full of efficacy, definitive tones and extremely good guitar, the sure-to-be hit is on the road to success. Sea Flower really push the boat out with their music, you can clearly feel the sheer effort, time and emotion they include in a single 3 minute track. It's outstanding to be able to find such a talent in the current music situation. I could listen to them all day.
I decided to catch up with lead singer, Joseph Biondi and ask him whether he would write a quick paragraph about Sea Flower and this is what he came up with!
"I started Sea Flower about 3 years ago after receiving a valuable piece of advice. That piece of advice was to write songs that you'd actually want to hear. That's what I did. Now I write and record every part that you hear on each track in the comfort of my tiny bedroom studio (they are really just demos as of right now until I can get into a professional studio.) My main influences have been Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Band of Skulls, The White Stripes, Black Keys, John Frusciante, The Strokes, Nirvana among many others. After about a year ago, this bedroom project became a reality when I finally got some members. My own girlfriend, Bridget Sweeney, plays keys and sings back up vox. My friend Teddy Oliver plays lead guitar. The cool as a cucumber, Tom Hynes, is our very talented drummer, and our newest edition to the group is Danny Oliver (Teddy's brother) who now plays bass for us. Last summer we went on our very first tour down to North Carolina, and this summer we are planning our sophomore tour to Chicago! We also played the very popular Gathering of the Vibes Music Festival the past two summers. My songs are inspired by everyday things, for example, I have a song about some guy I hate at work called, Fuck You Steve, I took my anger towards him and I turned it into this thrashy, grungy mess of a song and tried to emulate my feelings about him. Most of my songs try to emulate the mood I am in or the topic of them. I have this song called the Whippet and the Egg, and it is about one night where I ate a raw egg and inhaled a whippet for the first time, I tried to use tremolo to capture the sound and feeling I felt in my head after the whippet. The song, Buzzards, is a duet with Bridget and myself and it is about how people can pick away at each other until there is nothing left but a shell of a human. About a year ago, a fan told me that she listens to one of my songs everyday, and just hearing that made me tear up a little bit. Having just one person enjoy what I do makes this all much worth doing."
I have thoroughly enjoyed finding out about Sea Flower, they are incredibly talented, dynamic and provide the ability for themselves to go so far. Every member has a define style and personality, of which can be clearly witnessed in every strum of a guitar, press of a key, bang of the drums and flick of the vocals.
So give them a listen, you will not regret it.
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