LEEDS has been churning up a rather large mix-bag of talent recently, becoming a place to find some absolute gems in a musician form. Sifting through many bands I found an intriguing rock-quartet, Carvella, making me stop in my tracks and pay attention to their rock'n'roll-esque sound.
See them live
12th May - Milo Bar, Leeds
16th May - New Roscoe, Leeds
25th May - Double Denim at Carpe Diem, Leeds
29th May - IT Bar, Leeds
12th July - 360 Club, Leeds
'Loud Shirts and Louder Music' is one of those definitive tracks that have you longing for more, persuading me to give these guys a chance and do you know what? I don't regret one moment of it. The track starts with an addictive tin sounded drum beat, tapping away at the foundations of the music about to unfold right in front of our very eyes. Guitars then start, obsessing over the beat, engulfing the track to have an amazing anthemic vibe which, along with the vocals give the whole song an unchained edge, unleashing its incredibly catchy wrath upon the unexpected music lovers up and down the country.
Carvella only started out in the early months of this year and have already played at Pretty Green's Live at Leeds, these four lads are already pushing boundaries... give them a couple more months and their music will be of superb quality, they're still at the newly-wed period but don't let that stop you. I'm going to be keeping a close eye on Carvella, so keep watch and give this introductory interview a read, we could learn a thing or two...
See them live
12th May - Milo Bar, Leeds
16th May - New Roscoe, Leeds
25th May - Double Denim at Carpe Diem, Leeds
29th May - IT Bar, Leeds
12th July - 360 Club, Leeds
'Loud Shirts and Louder Music' is one of those definitive tracks that have you longing for more, persuading me to give these guys a chance and do you know what? I don't regret one moment of it. The track starts with an addictive tin sounded drum beat, tapping away at the foundations of the music about to unfold right in front of our very eyes. Guitars then start, obsessing over the beat, engulfing the track to have an amazing anthemic vibe which, along with the vocals give the whole song an unchained edge, unleashing its incredibly catchy wrath upon the unexpected music lovers up and down the country.

How long have you been together making music?
We've been playing music together for just over two years now, we were without a bassist for ages then Nick joined us at the start of this calender year. So we've only been making music as a full band for five months. But essentially we've been developing our sound for a couple of years now.
What are you hoping to achieve with your music?
We want to be the next 'massive band'. We want it all...We want to connect with people worldwide and be ‘that band’ that headlines festivals and is considered one of the best bands in the world. We know were not there yet and its going to be a long journey but eventually what we want is to be considered one of the best, and we feel we've got what it takes.
How did the name 'Carvella' come about?
No Comment.
Who are your influences within music?
We all share a lot of similar influences but we all bring a wide variety of things and us that you wouldn’t expect as well. Danny and Tom are really into their guitar music and British bands like The Stones, The roses, The Verve, Arctic Monkeys etc. Same with George and Nick as well but they are also into other kinds of music and they bring those influences into the band through their instruments. American bands such as the Chilli Peppers or blink 182 influence George’s drumming but people wouldn’t expect that. But we all listen to all kinds of music and overall we're just into great music and great songs, and all four us are music lovers. It’s a way of life for us and that comes across in the songs because we all put everything we’ve got into them and that’s what make them so special.
Do you find you are tough critics of the music you create?
Yes, you have to be if you want to take yourself seriously! Some of our songs work straight away but some take a bit of work and you have to try different things to get what you want from them. In the practice room we'll do the same song over and over again until its right. We don’t want to do anything half hearted or make compromises with our music. That's the main reason why we've taken so long to get this show on the road.
What are you looking to create as a band?
But seriously we feel like we have the potential to do something really special and were not ashamed to say it. Most bands wouldn’t say that, but we’re different. We feel we have what it takes and given time and the right opportunities we want to create something special and we want to be that next big band in the timeline of music.
If you could, what era of music would you go back to and why?
The obvious thing to say would be the 60's/70's where bands were the first of their kind and guitar bands were at the forefront of music. Or the Brit-pop movement in the 90's where there was so much hype about so many different bands and a new scene was created. That’s what’s missing now really and we are confidant bands will have their time again because that’s just how music moves.
We feel like were a collective of all different kinds of music over the last 60 years and we take so many influences from different eras that we wouldn’t be who we are without them. So we wouldn’t go back to any era, we would choose this era right now because when bands do get their chance again (which they will) we want to be right at the front of that.
Do festivals appeal to you? If so, which 5 would be your pick and why?
Yes definitely. Between the four of us we've been to quite a few festivals over the years. Just the vibe of festivals when the suns out, you’re with mates, drinking and watching live music. You can’t beat it. Festivals are great opportunities to find out about new music as well and see bands you've never listened to or seen before and you might end up going home and downloading their album or buying tickets to see them at their own shows.
If we were picking festivals to play at then the obvious choice is Glastonbury because it’s the biggest and best festival, end of. A headline slot at Glastonbury is essentially our ultimate goal as a rock 'n' roll band, and it should be the same for any band. If not then what’s the point? T in the Park is a great festival as well and the Scottish crowds are know for having a good time, so that would definitely appeal to us. Benicassim would excite us as well because of the sunshine and its becoming a very popular festival. Coachella is another festival we want to play. If you’re playing there then it means your doing well in America, and making noise the other side of the Atlantic is another thing we want to do as a band. Then playing Leeds festival would be great as well. Not only is it local to where we were formed but it’s got such great history and has seen so many great bands over the years. Even though they haven’t had the best line-ups recently compared to other festivals. It would still mean a lot to play it.
Opinions on chart music?
None really. Chart music doesn’t mean anything anymore. We watched the chart countdown the other day and every single song was painful to listen to. Music in the charts just at the moment isn’t worth listening to. The majority of it is just songs with big hooks that mean nothing and then a rapper makes an appearance on it then it gets released and its in the charts and goes straight to number one just because of the names on the record. Everyone appreciates 'pop' music because its easy and its popular music. But there hasn’t been many good pop songs for ages and things have to change soon, and that’s the sad truth.
What are you wanting to achieve this year?
We just want to make as many people aware of our music as possible and we want to make an impression on people. We've only recorded three demos at the moment, but we have a lot of exciting things in the pipeline. The best way to see what Carvella are all about is to come to one of our gigs and see it for your-self. So we’re just going to get about as much as we can this summer and see what opportunities come up. But by the end of the year we want to be going places. Come check us out and get involved...it’s worth it believe us!
I'd like to thank Carvella for this great interview, keep watch I have a feeling about these guys.
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