Ali Ingle

AFTER teasing us a plenty, Saturday 28th June will see the eagerly awaited return of Liverpool's folk starlet; Ali Ingle with new EP 'A Life Unlike Yours'.

I guess we could argue we haven't heard as much from the songster as we'd have liked, especially with this 2-year gap between his last material compared to this new release. However, never fear, after his Christmas gig at EVAC, he certainly proved he very much had the heart of Liverpool in the palm of his hands, by performing a truly mind-blowing set worthy of capturing even the coldest of critics.

Just to add to our suspense, Ingle has been building up to this pending release by posting many hints and clues along the way proving he is also a chief salesman.

The four-track phenomenon features a fan favourite; 'The Locker' which Ingle and Charm Offensive let out the bag earlier on last month. Accompanying we have the title track, 'Yours Alone' and 'I Won't Be There' flaunting this genuine revival of home-made demo tapes whilst producing something so universally approachable.

Slow burning and remarkably hearty, each track shares a progressive beat of which builds to a ridiculously monotonous buzz, warming each listener, bequeathing that romantically inclined butterfly its flutter. Ingle makes sure his soft soliloquy weaves itself amongst his audience, inflicting a brutal thrust of emotion which can't help but be adopted by us.

It comes as no surprise that Ingle's tracks are so rich in not only substance but sheer determination, fully embracing the true meaning of pure, solid anthems which shines a whole new light on the music we consume. Thank you Ali, we salute you sir!


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