It was during Liverpool's Capital of Culture year that KynchinLay's journey into the unknown began, taking their name from the classic, Oliver Twist, using Fagan's orphans as a fantastic basis for their music, survival.
Listening to their latest offering 'Public Execution' to get us through the desperate times ahead helps to numb the pain, acting perhaps like a glass of the strongest medicine would. Haunting yet surreal, putting the listener in an uneasy position, backed into a corner, stalked by paranoia, creating that very unsure annoyance that us people detest, only mastered by the greats showing KynchinLay are definitely not ones to roll your eyes at. The almighty guitars, bass, drums, vocals and use of speech all add to its eerie rock-esque foundations, developing into an absolute knee quaking, soul shaking anthem. Bringing audiences to their knees.
Whether it be writing tracks or gigging in their home-town, KynchinLay are determined to spread news of their contagious sound so give them something to write about and be part of history. Get listening, amen.
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