
TREETOP, a solo project from Liverpool is bringing folky-acoustic tones back to life by rejuvenating the current state of a rather dull music industry. Creator, Craig Lamb has the capability of producing a folk phenomenon raring to sweep the nation, armed with his singer/songwriter roots, he can't go wrong.

When listening to Treetop's debut single, 'Home', an indefinite hollow echo begins to circulate the air. Cleverly named is the track as it lures the listener to make that monthly pilgrimage back home. All nostalgic emotions creep back into view as we begin to re-think years gone by, so precise yet soundtrack like, as if this track has been present throughout our whole lives. Acoustic guitar, vocals and keys all fuse together to create this joyous sound tinted with laid-back themes and holy-esque tone. Enough to darken a listeners gaze with sepia tinted sunglasses.

Fittingly, 'Home' is the start of an amazing journey for Treetop, with a great buzz surrounding next instalments, Lamb's latest offering has indeed paid off promising more chimerical material to come. Read on to find out more about the illusive talent...

How did the whole Tree top idea come about?

I’ve always been in bands, I used to play bass in pop punk bands when I was young and then I was lead guitarist in a post hardcore band and then for the past 3 or 4 years I’ve sang in folk pop bands, but I’ve always written songs that I loved which never really fitted into the bands I was in. Recently my band Non, Monsieur has been on a bit of a break and that just seemed like the perfect time to really work on them and it’s been amazing, it’s really flourished.

What gets you in the music-writing mood or does it just come to you during the day?

Sometimes like just a single sentence will get me sparked, like the other day my girlfriend was talking about a kids game called sleeping lions, I’ve never heard of it but it just seemed like a really cool title and it really inspired me for some reason and I wrote a whole song which has now become my set opener! I also work nights quite often and that really gives me a lot of time to think, spending 15 hours alone really gets me in the songwriting mood!

Where did you play your first ever gig?

In a place called the heaven and hell (or is it Heaven ‘N’ Hell? That seems cooler.) In Liverpool when I was like 15 I think? It was awful. Really, really, really awful. We didn’t quite have the songs planned out properly so we just sort of jammed them…badly. Also, we covered a Blink 182 song.

Do you find you are a tough critic of the music you create?

The worst! When I first write a song I’ll love it, the last song I write is always the best but then give it 24 hours and it all changes, I’ll play it again and just hate it! It’s the same when I’m recording a song, I’m such a perfectionist! It’ll take me song long to just get little things right and it happens often that I’ll scrap whole songs and start over.

When do you know if a track sounds good?

My girlfriend tells me. Honestly, if I record a song and need an honest opinion I show her! She never says bad things about my music but I can always tell if a track is good or bad!

Where do you think holds the most opportunity for your music to be heard?

That’s a tough one! Although I like to think my music would have a pretty widespread appeal. When it comes down to it, it’s just basic stripped back pop music so I like to think it could fit well on radio and TV and what not. That’s some pretty big thinking though, it’s probably most likely going to be heard in bars and on laptops!

Who would you say has been the biggest influence incorporated within your music?

The reason I started playing the type of music I do was after I started listening to a guy called Jay Jay Pistolet. He’s one of my favourite artists ever! He was only around for a short while and doesn’t release music anymore! Although he does sing in that band the Vaccines now but it’s just not the same. I also love that band Two Gallants, I’ve recently (ish) been trying to incorporate more finger picking into my songs in their sort of style but it’s much harder than I thought! I’m also really into slow club, lyric wise their first album had a massive impact on the way I write and though my style has definitely changed over time I can definitely see the influence they had on me when I write.

Do festivals appeal to you? 

Hell yes! Although I’m constantly questioning if my music would work at a festival, but I came to the conclusion I just don’t care and if it works or not I’d love to play festivals, hopefully this time next year.

If you could only ever play one venue, what venue would it be and why?

I was gonna say the Kazimier, have you been? It’s fantastic! I played there a few months back and it was just an incredible venue! Nice big stage, amazing atmosphere and brilliant sound. But then I decided to go for Wembley arena...not the stadium! Just the arena. I’m not greedy.

What's on the cards for you this year?

Everything! Soon I’ll be back out there gigging, I miss it so much, I had a break to work on material and record and now I think I’m having withdrawal symptoms! So I can’t wait to get back to that! Other than the (hopefully) constant gigging I’m going to be pushing my current single (Home – totally free on my bandcamp page at – Plug) and working on my next single which I’m hoping to put out on vinyl (if all goes to plan…God I hope it all goes to plan).

I'd like to thank Craig for this fantastic interview!

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