Mara Simpson

BLUES songstress, Mara Simpson is Brighton's reincarnation of Grace Slick, evoking a hearty, natural feeling deeply grounded within her music.

The self-described traveller has a wealth of experience within music, playing a multitude of instruments including a banjo and piano.

Her latest offering, Keep Holding On is true art - a soulful, gutsy track worthy of award-nominated status and also features Ben Ottewell from Gomez.

Simpson's captivating voice pays respects to a sincere form of music, arguably fitting amongst sirens such as Nora Jones and Annie Lennox.

Keep Holding On begins with a burning antiquated tone, preparing for Simpson's soft coo and the tasty percussion to follow. Repetition of simplistic lyrics empower such a charming instrumental that soars through all the commercially apt music of today.

Simpson creates a strong sound that incorporates the old with the new, enchantingly endearing and so exciting, there are high hopes for this singer-songwriter.

Words Lauren Jones


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