THERE is most definitely something in the sea air down in Brighton, with musical babes cropping up left, right and centre but foursome BLUSH have an extra special bonus, one concocting a fuzzy, psychedelic buzz.

With feverous demo's available online, BLUSH have somewhat of an ominous presence on music sites.

Although, their gig calendar is on the up - performing with the likes of Pins and Craft Spells the desire to hear more of their captivating music remains.

Their demo tapes on soundcloud make for exciting listening, with tracks such as Lily dominating their sound, slithering amongst this silent desperation for success.

Lily's gracious sound emanates from a punky beat, failing to grow until a scuzzy, late-eighties riff begins, bouncing amongst a tedious set of soft vocals from front-woman Asya Fairchild.

A perfect sound for the spring/summer season, BLUSH have rejuvenated surf-pop, rivalling the resurgence of folk tainted festival headliners by-gone years, making them a new delectable treat for 2016.

Words Lauren Jones


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